************************                Athens


Distr.  : GR -
          UK - Piccadilly/Norman/
Style   : ambient / elecronica / post-rock / shoegaze / space rock / downtempo
          / experimental / alternative / drone / field rec. /

SIS     001     V / A                   THESE WAVES...                  CDR       .2006

        1       2L8 : Close Your Eyes When Orbiting a New
                Planet                                          2:41
        2       She Moved Through the Fair : Safe Painters      2:34
        3       Ylid : Sunlight All Falls on Her Face           6:28
        4       The First Aid           Cold Landing            3:46
        5       Schengen                Bake-Off                5:00
        6       Gnac                    Selva de mar            3:32
        7       Árbol : Full Moon Down the Valley               4:28
        8       Yellow6                 From Here to When       6:40
        9       Play Hours and Half Holidays : For Freddie
                Phillips                                        3:59
        10      Lope                    Au                      4:23
        11      Port-Royal              Jeka (Acidhead Remix)   5:17
        12      Absent Without Leave    These Days Are Cold     3:56
        13      Epic45 : Swerving to Avoid Falling Leaves
                (Oppressed by the Line Remix)                   3:25
        14      Hey Marla               Shoegazing              3:19
        15      Televise                Smile                   5:47
        16      Sigmatropic             Rich                    4:22
        17      Kimonophonic            Wooden/Electrical       2:32
        18      Matthew Rozeik          Citrus Dirge            2:35
        19      Die Stadt der romantische Punk : Destroy Your
                Love, We Are Lost Rock                          4:26
SIS     002     ABSENT WITHOUT LEAVE/CONO NORTE 3                       3"CD      .2007

        1.      Absent Without Leave    Never Trust An Angel
        2.      Cono Norte 3            Everything Deserves To Die
                (Note : 3" CD , 50 hand-numb. copies)
SIS     003     ABSENT WITHOUT LEAVE    BON VOYAGE                      CDR     02.2007

        1       Valentine                                       6:46
        2       Film The Silence                                2:52
        3       Clouds                                          8:11
        4       Blind                                           2:51
        5       Love Dissolves                                  8:16
        6       Just Like Then                                  5:39
        7       Memories                                        7:14
        8       Magic Box                                       3:54
                (Note : CDR , 100 hand-numb copies)

1       Port-Royal - Ernst Bloch                                8:48
2       Port-Royal - Agent 008 Codename Littlehorses (aka The
        Lazybones)                                              3:56
3       Port-Royal - Severnaya                                  3:44
4       Port-Royal - Zobione Pt.2 (Absent Without Leave Remix)  5:27
5       Absent Without Leave - On a Carousel                    7:22
6       Absent Without Leave - My Music Is Still Sad Though I
        Found My Happiness                                      11:13
7       Absent Without Leave - Evening Walks                    6:35
8       Absent Without Leave - Blind (Port-Royal Remix)         5:04
                THE ATTIC EP

1       Millimetrik - On the Road to Kula                       3:36
2       Millimetrik - Sympathie Pour Les Robots remix           2:48
3       Building Castles out of Matchsticks - Around My Heart
        (Millimetrik remix)                                     4:09
4       Millimetrik - A Travers Le Temps De Retour (Building
        Castles out of Matchsticks remix)                       4:11
5       Building Castles out of Matchsticks - If I Knew the Day
        Before                                                  3:47
6       Building Castles out of Matchsticks - Indecisive        3:23 
SIS     006     PAINT ON SILENCE        PAINT ON SILENCE                CDR       .2010

        1       Trampala                                        7:05
        2       A Music Field                                   6:31
        3       Rosidae                                         5:41
        4       Siberia                                         7:34
SIS     007     ABSENT WITHOUT LEAVE    FADED PHOTOGRAPHS               CD      10.2010

How The Winter Comes / Old Memory Tapes / Dreams And Hopes / Faded Photographs /
Balloons In The Sky / Where The Birds Fly In Winter / Daydream Lullaby / Above The
(Note : CD , 500 copies)
SIS     008     MILIMETRIK              INFLUENCES; THE REMIX EP        CDR     03.2011

1       Outhouse / I Wish you Will Never Leave  (Destroyed by
        Stafaenn Hákon)                                         4:31
2       L'Unité de Défense (Komparce remix)                     3:42
3       Quebec City Mountains (E1000 remix)                     4:33
4       L'Unité de Défense (Maxime Robin remix)                 3:01
SIS     009     ABSENT WITHOUT LEAVE    AN EARLIER SUMMER EP            CDR     04.2011

        1       Cloudless Skies                                 6:23
        2       Across The Sea                                  4:19
        3       April Daylight                                  3:00
        4       Whispers In The Storm                           4:53
SIS     010     YELLOW6 & DAVID NEWLYN : O.S.                           CD      10.2012

        1       Lamp House                                      4:37
        2       Sun Dial                                        8:19
        3       Cross Cut                                       4:12
        4       Minor Control                                   7:20
        5       Detail Point                                    3:14
        6       Spiral Vaults                                   11:06
SIS     011     GOOD WEATHER FOR AN AIRSTRIKE : LIGHTS                  CD      10.2012

        1       A Quiet Day                                     6:26
        2       Thinking of You                                 7:08
        3       Storm Fronts Collide                            4:37
        4       The King XXVI                                   1:27
        5       One of These Days                               2:51
        6       Escape                                          0:49
        7       An Ode to Fring                                 8:41
        8       Rescue                                          7:53
SIS     012     J.R.ALEXANDER           MOMENTS                         CDEP    01.2013

        1       Memories                                        3:25
        2       Walking Over Me                                 2:20
        3       When we Meet Again                              2:33
        4       I'm Glad                                        3:23
        5       Goodbye                                         3:42
SIS     013     STAFRAENN HAKON         PRAMMI                          CD      01.2013

        1       Saltvatn                                        3:05
        2       Klump                                           4:40
        3       Hvarf-12                                        5:51
        4       A Personal Voyage To Meat Planet                3:30
        5       The Son                                         6:30
        6       Passage                                         3:00
        7       Hoff                                            3:29
        8       Soft Fence                                      4:30
        9       Dufthani                                        3:57
        10      Lusher                                          4:23
        11      Before                                          1:18
        12      Raekjuháls                                      5:42
        13      Wait                                            6:49
SIS     014     SILENCIO                FLOODS                          CDR     03.2013

        1       Dusty Rays                                      5:32
        2       No Memories, No Ghosts                          6:55
        3       Again Again                                     4:48
        4       The Lost Resort                                 4:03
        5       Arale                                           1:41
        6       You Once Knew                                   5:46
        7       Losing It                                       4:15
        8       Hush Pt1                                        6:05
        9       Hush Pt2                                        7:41
        10      Next To Nothing                                 5:08
        11      Again Again (Drums Version)                     4:48
        12      Embarcadero                                     5:46
                (Note : CDr , 200 hand-numb. copies)
SIS     015     NORTH ATLANTIC DRIFT    MONUMENTS                       CDR     03.2013
SIS     015     NORTH ATLANTIC DRIFT    MONUMENTS                       7DL     03.2013

CD      1       Passing Time
        2       Monuments
        3       Concrete Oceans
        4       Sandlab
        5       I Have Never Seen The Light
        6       Scholars Of Time Travel (Part 2)
        7       Sun Dial
        8       So Long As They Fear Us

DL      1       Passing Time                                    4:53
        2       Monuments                                       7:14
        3       Concrete Oceans                                 4:09
        4       Sandlab                                         3:33
        5       I Have Never Seen The Light                     6:24
        6       Scholars Of Time Travel (Part II)               8:58
        7       Sun Dial                                        5:17
SIS     016     HESSIEN                 CALCIFER EP                     CDR       .2013

        1       Wrong Turn At Albuquerque                       6:17
        2       When The Planets Align                          4:46
        3       From Beyond The Fourth Wall                     5:48
        4       There Are No Coincidences                       4:16
                (Note : CDr , 200 hand-numb. copies)
SIS     017     MIAOU                   BRIGHT THE LIGHTS               CDR       .2013

        1       Airglow
        2       River Zephyr
        3       Deep Into A Forest
        4       Paper On You
        5       Water & Us
                (Note : CDr , 300 hand-numb. copies)
SIS     018     CAUGHT IN THE WAKE FOREVER : FALSE HAVEN                CD      12.2013

        1       I Know I've Suffered More Than Most             5:20
        2       A Morning Without Decay                         3:00
        3       The Carnival at South Croft                     1:20
        4       At Least You Had My Cigarettes                  3:02
        5       Castle Semple Loch                              4:28
        6       Black Nectar                                    2:08
        7       All That I Try to Console                       2:36
        8       This House is Not the Same                      4:09
                (Note : CD , 200 hand-made & hand-numbered copies)

CD 1    1.1     How the Winter Comes (Dalot Remix)              7:34
        1.2     Old Memory Tapes ((ghost) Remix)                3:15
        1.3     Dreams and Hopes (Reigns Remix)                 4:38
        1.4     Faded Photographs (Aerosol Remix)               4:44
        1.5     Balloons in the Sky (Ruxpin Remix)              5:01
        1.6     Daydream Lullaby (Sun Glitters Remix)           4:56
        1.7     Where the Birds Fly in Winter (Eleventhfloor
                records Remix)                                  6:47
        1.8     Above the Trees (SubtractiveLAD Remix)          6:11
        1.9     How the Winter Comes (Ghost Bike Remix)         4:34
        1.10    Dreams and Hopes (Landing Remix)                3:27
        1.11    Balloons in the Sky (Arc Lab Remix)             6:56
        1.12    Faded Photographs (Kontakte Remix)              5:38
        1.13    Old Memory Tapes (The Echelon Effect Rmx)       7:21
        1.14    Above the Trees (Dedo Remix)                    6:17

CD 2    2.1     How the Winter Comes (Elika Remix)              4:42
        2.2     Old Memory Tapes (Oppressed by the Line Remix)  5:03
        2.3     Dreams and Hopes (Dreissk Remix)                6:05
        2.4     Faded Photofraphs (Plastik Joy Remix)           6:36
        2.5     Where the Birds Fly in Winter (Keef Baker Rmx)  5:53
        2.6     Balloons in the Sky (Crisopa Remix)             7:34
        2.7     How the Winter Comes (Dankerque Remix)          6:13
        2.8     Daydream Lullaby (Slow Dancing Society Remix)   3:24
        2.9     Where the Birds Fly in Winter (To Destroy a
                City Remix)                                     4:50
        2.10    Balloons in the Sky (Midas Fall Remix)          3:02
        2.11    Above the Trees (Mark Harris Remix)             5:42
        2.12    Dreams and Hopes (Olan Mill Remix)              7:57
        2.13    Daydreams Lullaby (Ex Confusion Remix)          2:06
        2.14    Old Memory Tapes (Tokyo Bloodworm Remix)        7:58
                (Note : 2CD , 500 hand-made & hand-numbered copies)
SIS     020     WILL BOLTON             WHORL                           CD      12.2014

        1       Leaves That Curl                                8:40
        2       Dragonflies                                     9:08
        3       Shadows on the Wall                             6:40
        4       Out of Place                                    4:37
        5       Reverie                                         9:22
SIS     021     DAVID NEWLYN            GOOD LUCK (ENIGMA)              CD      07.2014

        1       Good Luck Enigma                                2:30
        2       While it Lasts                                  6:20
        3       Theory                                          3:00
        4       Times Have Changed                              3:22
        5       Places                                          2:23
        6       Relating a Secret History                       3:44
        7       Broadcast                                       13:53
        8       Nightlife                                       1:56
        9       Everyday                                        2:14
        10      Ephemera                                        2:55
SIS     022     JULIEN DEMOULIN         LOOSE ENDS                      CDR     05.2015

        1       Love Loop                                       00:33
        2       The Clarity Of Purpose                          03:38
        3       Uphill Battle                                   03:11
        4       Fading Mind                                     04:48
        5       A Moment With Doyle                             04:41
        6       Minute Papillon                                 03:05
        7       L'Art Du Contentement                           02:59
        8       Crushes                                         05:59
        9       What's Left                                     04:08
        10      Into Shade                                      03:59
        11      How Well You Walk Through The Fire              04:23
                (Note : CDr , 200 hand-numb. copies)
SIS     023     DALOT & SEBASTIEN FROMENT : DRAFTS EP                   CDR     05.2015

        1       Days As
        2       The Morning After
        3       Finis
                (Note : CD , 24 hand-made & hand-numbered copies)
SIS     024     GREAT PANOPTIQUE WINTER : WILDNESS                      CD      08.2015

        1       Put Hope in Future Days                         5:02
        2       Wildness                                        3:36
        3       How the Sun Leaves                              4:52
        4       Oram                                            3:02
        5       Whiteout                                        6:15
        6       Cold Moments Melt                               4:17
SIS     025     THE KOUKOUVAYA          WITCHES' JELLY                  CD      08.2015

        1       Witches' Jelly                                  28:48

        1       The Light Brocade                               3:22
        2       The Dark Arches                                 3:18
        3       The Dark Spectacle                              2:54
        4       The Beautiful Golden Y                          2:31
        5       The Angle Shades                                1:31
        6       The Treble Lines                                2:42
        7       The Uncertain Moth                              2:30
        8       The Strange Wave                                2:58

(Note : lim. CDr on Sound In Silence. Edition of 200 handmade and hand-numbered copies,
        packaged in hand-stamped recycled cardboard envelope with polaroid style
        paste-on artwork and inserts)
SIS     027     THE DECLINE WINTER      ENDLESS SCENERY                 CD+DLc  12.2015

        1       Endless Scenery                                 3:22
        2       When He Was Alive                               5:57
        3       On Trembling Hill                               4:06
        4       Light Glints on the Approach                    4:23
        5       Alsager Commerce                                4:17
        6       No Stalgia                                      7:28
        7       The Shifting Pattern                            1:24
        8       Tokmak                                          4:42
        9       On the Mantle                                   4:20

(Note : CD , edition of 300 handmade and hand-numbered copies, packaged in hand-stamped
        white recycled cardboard envelope with polaroid style paste-on artwork and
SIS     028     DANIEL W J MACKENZIE    GLASS PERMANENT                 CDR     04.2016

        1       Missing Aura I                                  6:56
        2       Lost Jewels (Glockenspiel I)                    4:05
        3       Lost Jewels (Glockenspiel II)                   11:58
        4       Glass Interlude                                 5:20
        5       Missing Aura II                                 9:31
        6       Bridled                                         2:18
                (Note : CDr , 200 hand-numb. copies)
SIS     029     BEN RATH                FORGIVENESS                     CDR     04.2016

        1       A Play Of Form                                  2:00
        2       No Time                                         3:53
        3       A Moment (Reconsidered)                         4:57
        4       Ruffled Feathers                                2:13
        5       Second Self                                     3:15
        6       Haze                                            2:35
        7       Another Side                                    4:36
        8       Forgiveness                                     2:56
                (Note : CDr , 150 numb. copies)

        1       First Betrayal                                  4:54
        2       Gold Leaf                                       4:41
        3       In Spite Of Yourself                            3:32
        4       In A Forest Forlorn                             4:42
        5       Music For Disappearing Face                     3:22
        6       C Minor Spell                                   4:41
        7       Desire Decayed                                  4:15
        8       A Minor Breakdown                               6:24
        9       A Picture, A Landscape                          3:12
        10      Near Life                                       1:23
        11      Smile Fades Forever                             6:44
                (Note : CDr , 200 hand-numb. copies)
SIS     031     (ghost) : THE FIRST TIME YOU OPENED YOUR EYES           CDR     09.2016

        1       The First Time You Opened Your Eyes             34:04
                (Note : CDr , 200 hand-numb. copies)
SIS     032     BRAVE TIMBERS           SECRET HOPES                    CDR     11.2016

        1       Stillness                                       5:36
        2       First Light                                     4:17
        3       Swimming In The Isar                            4:32
        4       Seasons Past                                    3:45
        5       In The Long Grass                               4:02
        6       Coming Up For Air                               5:34
        7       From A Mountain                                 5:36
                (Note : CDr , 200 hand-numb. copies)
SIS     033     AMP                     SWITCHED ON AND LIVE            CDR     11.2016

        1       Opening                                         5:18
        2       Souvenir                                        7:01
        3       Le Petit Chat                                   4:56
        4       Blind Man's Bluff                               5:17
        5       Fuckliar                                        6:35
        6       Open                                            7:53
        7       A Distant Shore                                 1:41
        8       Whenever                                        7:27
        9       Watchn' (Edit)                                  0:50
                (Note : CDr , 200 hand-numb. copies)
SIS     034     bvdub                   YOURS ARE STORIES OF SADNESS    CDR     12.2016

        1       01                                              4:37
        2       02                                              4:48
        3       03                                              5:20
        4       04                                              3:01
        5       05                                              3:54
        6       06                                              4:26
        7       07                                              3:12
        8       08                                              3:54
        9       09                                              4:16
        10      10                                              4:16
        11      11                                              4:26
        12      12                                              3:33
        13      13                                              4:16
        14      14                                              3:33
        15      15                                              4:05
        16      16                                              3:44
        17      17                                              4:48
        18      18                                              3:33
        19      19                                              4:37
                (Note : CDr , 300 hand-numb. copies)
SIS     035     FJORDNE AND STABILO     ANDREW                          CDR     12.2016

        1       Andrew
        2       As Well
        3       Aquainted
        4       Alison
                (Note : CDr , 150 hand-numb. copies)
SIS     036     ANTHENE                 ORCHID                          CDR     04.2017

        1       Fauna                                           4:36
        2       Reflected Light                                 6:54
        3       Flora                                           5:50
        4       Frozen Path                                     4:04
        5       Orchid                                          7:20
        6       The Laughing Heart                              4:56
        7       Trace                                           6:03
                (Note : CDr , 150 hand-numb. copies)
SIS     037     MOSHIMOSS AND STABILO   FIIEII                          CDR     04.2017

        1       Moshimoss               FIIElI (2011)           4:38
        2       Stabilo                 Haust                   7:57
        3       Moshimoss               3pm (2011)              3:21
        4       Stabilo                 Diablo                  7:23
                (Note : CDr , 150 hand-numb. copies)
SIS     038     (.que)                  WONDERLAND                      CDR     06.2017

        1       Quiet                                           3:58
        2       Faraway                                         4:02
        3       Drip                                            3:20
        4       Forest                                          2:27
        5       Vast                                            4:48
        6       Waterfall                                       2:45
        7       Afterglow                                       4:31
        8       Nostalgia                                       2:25
        9       Laputa                                          3:45
        10      Wonderland (Album Edit)                         4:00
                (Note : CDr , 200 hand-numb. copies)
SIS     039     LIAM J HENNESSY         HELD                            CDR     06.2017

        1       Frozen Lights                                   2:54
        2       Beacons                                         4:10
        3       Soen                                            3:08
        4       Mirror Lake                                     3:30
        5       Over The Bay                                    4:30
        6       Viewpoint                                       2:50
                (Note : CDr , 200 hand-numb. copies)
SIS     040     ODD NOSDAM              LIF                             CDR     07.2017

        1       MIG
        2       RAI
        3       LIF
        4       AIN
        5       SES
        6       KEL I
        7       KEL II
        8       REN
        9       TRO
        10      BOM
                (Note : CDr , 200 hand-numb. copies)
SIS     041     CRISOPA                 TRANSHUMANTE                    CDR     07.2017

        1       Bird Song Reincarnation                         5:33
        2       I Am The Lord Of These Ruins                    5:30
        3       Fast Drive                                      4:03
        4       Serene Option                                   4:35
        5       Melting Wax Sculptures                          4:24
        6       Fluorine Cold Flames                            5:33
        7       Irradiating Nucleus                             5:00
        8       Gran Panal
                (Note : CDr , 50 hand-numb. copies)
SIS     042     con_cetta               ORIGINE                         CDR     10.2017

        1       Origine                                         4:08
        2       I                                               2:39
        3       II                                              3:13
        4       III                                             2:26
        5       IV                                              2:00
        6       V                                               5:19
        7       VI                                              5:22
        8Or     Fine                                            5:32
                (Note : CDr , 150 hand-numb. copies)
SIS     043     YELLOW6                 ABOUT THE JOURNEY               CD      10.2017
                (Note : CD , 100 hand-numb. copies)
SIS     043     YELLOW6                 ABOUT THE JOURNEY               2CD     10.2017
                (Note : 2CD , 100 hand-numb. copies)

CD      1       Custom                                          15:38
        2       First Day #1                                    14:56
        3       The Death Of Nostalgia                          13:26
        4       Death Of Nostalgia (Further Back)               8:31
        5       Last Day                                        9:27
        6       Pday                                            13:39

cd 2    2-1     death of nostalgia
        2-2     the first day
        2-3     custom1
        2-4     the first day (champion version 2)
SIS     044     PANOPTIQUE ELECTRICAL   QUIET ECOLOGY                   CDR     11.2017

        1       The World Is So Loud                            11:24
        2       In A Vow Of Silence                             5:06
        3       Footfalls                                       7:24
        4       Upon A Map                                      4:55
        5       A Place With Trees                              7:44
        6       In Between Buildings                            9:00
                (Note : CDr , 200 hand-numb. copies)
SIS     045     TEST CARD               REDIFFUSION                     CDR     11.2017

        1       Remembering Rediffusion                         4:12
        2       Those Long Dusks Of Summer                      5:01
        3       Another Early Night                             3:35
        4       Old Enough To Drink Sherry                      3:01
        5       The Sheep Field Is Now An Estate                5:20
        6       Be Home In Time For Tea                         4:27
        7       My Favourite Conker Tree                        5:12
        8       Ice Cream Day Dream                             0:30
        9       We Have Helium Balloons                         5:36
        10      I Feel So Adrone                                7:27
                (Note : CDr , 150 hand-numb. copies)
SIS     046     SWEENEY                 MIDDLE AGES                     CDR     12.2017

        1       Night At The Spirit Lake                        5:45
        2       End Of Men                                      4:21
        3       45                                              4:17
        4       Oh Goddess                                      2:46
        5       Man Of Dreams                                   4:41
        6       When He Went Away                               4:36
        7       True Love                                       3:02
        8       Middle Ages                                     2:18
        9       None But The Lonely Heart                       2:21
        10      Burial                                          2:37
                (Note : CDr , 200 hand-numb. copies)
SIS     047     A LILY                  TEN DRONES ON CASSETTE          CDR+DL  12.2017

CDR     1       Hildur                                          4:00
        2       Selasse                                         5:20
        3       Konstantin                                      5:20
        4       Solomon and Adama                               4:32
        5       Enrico                                          5:52
        6       Miles                                           4:16
        7       Jas                                             5:20
        8       Layla                                           5:20
        9       Zadie                                           4:48
        10      Didem                                           5:36
                (Note : CDr , 200 hand-numb. copies)

        Tape 01 Hildur                                          41:17
        Tape 02 Selasse                                         42:29
        Tape 03 Konstantin                                      43:43
        Tape 04 Solomon And Adama                               40:32
        Tape 05 Enrico                                          37:10
        Tape 06 Miles                                           50:38
        Tape 07 Jas                                             50:03
        Tape 08 Layla                                           42:13
        Tape 09 Zadie                                           42:42
        Tape 10 Didem                                           39:52
SIS     048     YNDI HALDA              A SUN-COLOURED SHAKER           CDE     02.2018

        1       A Sun-Coloured Shaker                           11:41
                (Note : CDr , 300 hand-numb. copies)
SIS     049     GRAY ACRES              GEAY ACRES                      CDR     02.2018

        1       Sightlines                                      7:29
        2       Return To Self                                  7:01
        3       The Maps They Held                              8:42
        4       Vestiges Of Form                                6:51
        5       Rituals Of Belief                               6:55
        6       Portal                                          8:48
        7       A Beauty Not Theirs                             7:51
SIS     050     DAVID NEWLYN            COLLECTED FICTIONS              CDR     06.2018

        1       Introduction (Broken Cassette Mix)              0:44
        2       Ghost-Out                                       3:57
        3       Hymn To Bleachgreen                             6:36
        4       Travelling For A Living                         8:48
        5       Ashes                                           3:00
        6       Going Back                                      3:41
        7       Close Again                                     4:15
        8       About Tomorrow (Live At The Piano Shop)         0:44
                (Note : CDr , 200 hand-numb. copies)
SIS     051     BEN RATH                ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE            CDR     06.2018

        1       It Was Always Inside                            2:26
        2       Flow Of Creation                                8:32
        3       Innate Value                                    6:04
        4       All Part Of One                                 3:25
        5       Sacred                                          7:04
        6       Joy                                             2:18
        7       Give Up Trying                                  4:02
        8       Anything Is Possible                            9:32
                (Note : CDr , 150 hand-numb. copies)
SIS     052     THE GREEN KINGDOM       SEEN AND UNSEEN                 CDR     08.2018

        1       Kodama                                          4:47
        2       Illuminations (dub)                             7:04
        3       Woolen Sky                                      2:45
        4       Cloud Wanderings                                7:29
        5       Dorado                                          6:03
        6       Breathing Sea                                   6:29
        7       Sleeping Forest                                 5:44
                (Note : CDr , 200 hand-numb. copies)
SIS     053     NORTH ATLANTIC DRIFT    DEPARTURES, VOL.2               CDR     08.2018

        1       Empty                                           6:38
        2       Glow                                            7:52
        3       Carousel                                        4:25
        4       Good Intentions I                               4:16
        5       Formation                                       5:04
        6       Good Intentions II                              3:52
        7       Mountain Spectre                                8:58
        8       Autumn                                          7:45
        9       Vast                                            5:44
                (Note : CDr , 50 hand-numb. copies)
SIS     054     ETERNELL                STILL LIGHT                     CDR     09.2018

        1       Inner Song                                      19:04
        2       Still Light                                     31:20
        3       Resting On The Surface Of A Stream              23:20
                (Note : CDr , 150 hand-numb. copies)
SIS     055     GAVIN MILLER            SHIMMER                         CDR     09.2018

        1       Part 1                                          5:42
        2       Part 2                                          3:17
        3       Part 3                                          3:38
        4       Part 4                                          3:53
        5       Part 5                                          2:11
        6       Part 6                                          4:21
                (Note : CDr , 150 hand-numb. copies)
SIS     056     STYROFOAM               WE CAN NEVER GO HOME            CDR     10.2018
SIS     056     STYROFOAM               WE CAN NEVER GO HOME            8FLAC   10.2018

        1       Fully Present                                   5:01
        2       It Isn't Real So It Doesn't Count               3:04
        3       The Crook Of Your Elbow                         5:35
        4       Did Your Mouth Buy You This Scar?               7:38
        5       Love Restores Almost Everything                 3:25
        6       We Can Never Go Home                            3:41
        7       This Terrible And Beautiful World               3:13
        8       Blind Spot Safety Procedure                     8:58
                (Note : CDr , 300 hand-numb. copies)
SIS     057     SineRider               FOUR YEARS AWAY                 CDR     10.2018

        1       Farmland                                        3:48
        2       Sea Level                                       3:25
        3       Glimmer                                         3:50
        4       Aomori                                          4:36
        5       Crimson                                         6:06
        6       Four Years Away                                 3:30
        7       Gate                                            3:11
        8       No One Can Hear You                             4:45
        9       Into The Distance                               4:55
        10      Sparrows                                        5:24
        11      Four Below Zero                                 3:35
        12      Chamomile                                       6:51
                (Note : CDr , 200 hand-numb. copies)

        1       Shelter From The Rain                           4:03
        2       Make We Here Our Camp Of Winter                 5:42
        3       Book Of Leaves                                  5:29
        4       Always Crashing On The Same Wave                4:34
        5       Fish Roam In Winter Water                       3:34
        6       Turning To Gold                                 3:54
        7       Kingdom Of The Wind                             7:48
        8       Bend Low, Sweet Branch, Bend Low                4:51
                (Note : CDr , 500 hand-numb. copies)

LP      Dauw                DAUWLP 04           2019        UK
SIS     059     UMBER                   THIS EARTH TO ANOTHER           CDR     12.2018

        1       Altered Fragments                               5:23
        2       From This Earth To Another                      4:42
        3       Harvest                                         5:44
        4       It Just Fills The Hollow Spaces                 2:18
        5       Multnomah                                       3:11
        6       Harvest (Slow)                                  11:58
        7       Grape And Grain                                 5:19
        8       Low Tide                                        5:08
                (Note : CDr , 200 hand-numb. copies)
SIS     060     AMP                     ENTANGLED TIME                  CDR     01.2019

        1       Drifting                                        10:13
        2       Will-Oh Dreams                                  8:47
        3       Playing Time                                    2:25
        4       Opal Tears                                      5:21
        5       Will-Oh Dreams (Extended Mix)                   16:29
                (Note : CDr , 200 hand-numb. copies)
SIS     061     TIM LINGHAUS            ABOUT B.                        CDR       .2019
                (Memory Sketches B-Sides Recordings)

        1       Looking For Dad In Radio Noise (Reprise, Pt. III)
        2       Crossing Bornholmer (Reprise, Pt. II)
        3       Repetitive Daydream Sequence, Pt. VI
                (Humboldt University Chemistry Class 1975)
        4       B. In Reppinichen, Pt. IV (Letter From Bouboul)
        5       B. In Reppinichen, Pt. II (Fahrraeder, Flimmernde Felder)
        6       I Was Atoms And Waves (Reprise, Pt. II)
        7       Jonathan Brandis
        8       Nice To Meet You Too
        9       Plaenterwald
        10      Snow At Franz-Mehring-Platz
        11      I Was Atoms And Waves (Reprise, Pt. V)
        12      Anatomy Of Our Awkward Farewell Gestures
        13      Where Is My Girl?
        14      Empty House
        15      Chased By Two Idiots
        16      Before Berlin (About B. End Title)
        17      ... And Then I Forgot (Wyoming)
                (Note : CDr , 200 hand-numb. copies)
SIS     062     WESTERN EDGES           PROWESS                         CDR     04.2019
SIS     062     WESTERN EDGES           PROWESS                         8FLAC   04.2019

        1       You Look So Beautiful From Up Here              3:03
        2       Suddenly: A Dream                               3:17
        3       Western Edges                                   2:31
        4       Solid Gold Soul                                 2:18
        5       You're Going To Miss My Love                    2:54
        6       All Downhill From Here                          1:52
        7       Very Good On The Rushes                         3:17
        8       Absence                                         7:10
                (Note : CDr , 300 hand-numb. copies)
SIS     063     MIS+RESS                DISPELLERS                      CDR     04.2019

        1       The Floating World                              3:08
        2       In Cases Of Bewitchment                         3:40
        3       Diet Butcher                                    4:18
        4       High-Functioning Sleepwalker                    3:16
        5       She Trembles As She Paints                      3:11
        6       Adulting                                        2:09
        7       Moonglow                                        3:21
        8       The International Dark-Sky Association          4:03
                (Note : CDr , 200 hand-numb. copies)
SIS     064     HIS                     WARMER WEATHER EP               CDR       .2019

        1       The Lower Heat
        2       Blue In Alkali
        3       Beneath The Lake
        4       Red Sun
        5       Home
                (Note : CDr , 300 hand-numb. copies)
SIS     065     ojeRum                  ALTING FALDER I SAMME RUM       CDR     05.2019

        1       Alting Falder I Samme Rum I                     8:20
        2       Alting Falder I Samme Rum II                    2:36
        3       Alting Falder I Samme Rum II                    5:18
        4       Alting Falder I Samme Rum II                    6:16
        5       Alting Falder I Samme Rum IV                    6:07
        6       Alting Falder I Samme Rum VI                    16:00
                (Note : CDr , 200 hand-numb. copies)
SIS     066     WIL BOLTON              SURFACE REFLECTIONS             CDR     07.2019

        1       Shrouded                                        9:16
        2       In The Air Of The Morning                       11:32
        3       Shallows                                        7:58
        4       Crossing                                        5:38
        5       Surface Reflections                             9:12
                (Note : CDr , 200 hand-numb. copies)
SIS     067     SWEENEY                 HUMAN, INSIGNIFICANT            CDR+DLc   .2019

        1       Woebegone                                       4:00
        2       Let Him Go                                      2:36
        3       We All Seeing                                   3:54
        4       Human, Insignificant                            2:57
        5       Desire, Decayed                                 3:46
        6       Manifest                                        4:10
        7       As Water Does                                   2:46
        8       Hem                                             2:16
SIS     068     MEMORY DEAWINGS         PHANTOM LIGHTS                  CD      11.2019

        1       The Other Side                                  3:16
        2       Phantom Lights                                  4:23
        3       Two Rooms                                       3:55
        4       The Final Curtain                               5:01
        5       There Is A Last Time For Everything
                (Barnaby Carter Remix)                          4:33
        6       Captivated                                      3:32

Edition of 300 handmade and hand-numbered copies. Packaged in a hand-stamped graphite
cardboard envelope with the front cover image printed on a polaroid style photo paper.

Memory Drawings is an Anglo/American collective led by Minneapolis-raised, Casablanca
-based hammered dulcimer player Joel Hanson (Judgement Of Paris), alongside guitarist
/multi-instrumentalist Richard Adams (Hood, The Declining Winter, Western Edges),
violinist Sarah Kemp (Lanterns On The Lake, Brave Timbers), pianist Gareth S Brown
(Hood) and multi-instrumentalist Chris Cole (Movietone, Manyfingers). Since 2012 they
have released three albums and two EPs, all praised by critics, on labels such as
Second Language, Hibernate Recordings, Zozaya Records and their own Signal Records.
SIS     069     ASTATINE                GLOBAL EXPOSURE                 CD+DLc  12.2019

        1       Snow Loop #1                                    2:52
        2       Rotary Combine                                  2:43
        3       Blitz Theorem                                   1:40
        4       Decipher The Fall                               1:45
        5       Faux Positif 9                                  2:23
        6       Underdrive                                      3:10
        7       Softcore 99                                     2:02
        8       Expectation For A Valuable Asset                1:14
        9       Snow Loop #3                                    1:03
        10      The Late August Nostalgia                       1:39
        11      Monotron 5                                      2:48
        12      Muzrub                                          2:57
        13      Snow Loop #4                                    1:18
        14      This Rail Junction Is A Disaster                1:28
        15      Etude125                                        3:50
        16      Lack Of Tankers                                 2:03
        17      Snow Loop #7                                    2:22
        18      L'Art De La Défaite                             2:03
        19      Tuneful Position                                5:09
        20      End                                             1:01

Edition of 150 handmade and hand-numbered copies. Packaged in a hand-stamped light
yellow-cream cardboard envelope with the front cover image printed on a polaroid
style photo paper.
It is packaged in a lovely hand-stamped 127mm x 127mm 285 gsm light yellow-cream
cardboard envelope with the front cover image printed on a polaroid style photo paper
and an insert with the tracklist and the credits printed on a 170 gsm mocha brown
SIS     070     WORRIEDABOUTSATAN       CRYSTALLINE                     CDR     01.2020

        1       Open The Door                                   4:51
        2       Step Inside                                     7:09
        3       Cali                                            5:49
        4       Mirrors                                         3:57
        5       Crystalline                                     3:30
        6       Streetlights On Empty Roads                     4:27
        7       Secretly                                        4:24
        8       Switching Off                                   2:04
                (Note : CDr , 200 hand-numb. copies)
SIS     071     TEST CARD               MUSIC FOR THE TOWERS            CDR     01.2020

        1       The Lost Field Tapestry Network                 2:28
        2       Data Taken Over Under Rating                    7:17
        3       It Calmed The Hedges And Blurred The Buildings  4:59
        4       Monochrome Dreaming Softened The Broadcast      8:14
        5       Let Single Sideband Loneliness Receivers
                Be Happy                                        5:08
        6       Horizontal Sweep Correction Lullaby             3:49
        7       We Oscillated Like Sheep Grazing On Grassy
                Waveforms                                       8:28
        8       Four Zero Five Line Rewind                      4:22
                (Note : CDr , 200 hand-numb. copies)

        1       Damaged                                         4:55
        2       Letting The Old Dreams Die                      5:20
        3       Immersion                                       6:34
        4       Across The Barren Land                          5:06
        5       Caught In A Memory                              4:58
        6       Cabo Da Roca                                    1:15
        7       The Edge                                        2:36
        8       Arrivals And Departures                         4:48
        9       As The World Quietly Ends                       4:30

CDr on Sound In Silence. Limited edition of 200 handmade, hand-numbered copies.
Packaged in hand-stamped ivory cardboard envelope with the front cover image printed
on a polaroid style photo paper.
SIS     073     HALFTRIBE               ARCHIPELAGO                     CD+DLc  05.2020

        1       Exposed                                         2:44
        2       We Are Dust                                     4:10
        3       Broken Beams                                    4:59
        4       Drops                                           2:58
        5       Archipelago                                     5:34
        6       Fader                                           3:45
        7       Two Teaspoons Of Wishful Thinking               3:57
        8       Breather                                        1:57
        9       Rejected                                        3:29
        10      Subliminal                                      4:19
        11      Imperfect                                       6:09

CDr on Sound In Silence. Limited edition of 200 handmade, hand-numbered copies.
Packaged in hand-stamped kraft cardboard envelope with the front cover image printed
on a polaroid style photo paper.
SIS     074     (.QUE)                  AND INSIDE                      CD+DLc  08.2020

        1       Return
        2       Haze
        3       Sepia
        4       Nothing
        5       Divagate
        6       Film
        7       Inside
        8       Said
        9       Thaw
        10      To

Limited edition of 300 handmade, hand-numbered copies. Packaged in hand-stamped cobalt
blue cardboard envelope with the front cover image printed on a polaroid style photo
okyo-based multi-instrumentalist Nao Kakimoto releases his second album as [.que]
for the Sound In Silence label.
SIS     075     ETERNELL                IMAGINED DISTANCES              CD+DLc  08.2020

        1       Spiraling Light                                 6:56
        2       Underwater Rays                                 7:54
        3       Singularity                                     20:08
        4       Centuries Apart                                 8:03
        5       Luminance                                       8:19
        6       Imagined Distances                              24:11

Limited edition of 200 handmade and hand-numbered copies. Packaged in hand-stamped
cream cardboard envelope with the front cover image printed on a polaroid style photo
SIS     076     YELLOW6 : SILEBT STREETS AND EMPTY SKIES                CD+DLc  11.2020
SIS     076     YELLOW6 : SILEBT STREETS AND EMPTY SKIES                2CD+DLc 11.2020

CD      1       Unbroken Sun (One)                              3:48
        2       Safe                                            7:54
        3       V2                                              9:39
        4       Broadcast                                       8:45
        5       Unbroken Sun (Two)                              3:24
        6       Panam                                           18:42
        7       Doubled                                         11:41
        8       Silent Flight                                   7:39
        9       Unbroken Sun (Three)                            5:11

CD 2    2-1     Hallo                                           5:39
        2-2     Almost Free (One)                               7:17
        2-3     Almost Free (Two)                               4:44
        2-4     Burning                                         7:18
        2-5     Almost Free (Three)                             5:52
        2-6     Almost Free (Four)                              13:20

CD on Sound In Silence. Edition of 200 handmade and hand-numbered copies. Packaged
in a dusty grey cardboard envelope with the front cover image printed on a polaroid
style photo paper.
SIS     077     PANOPTIQUE ELECTRICAL   FIVE PIANOS                     CD      11.2020

        1       Spiral Song                                     5:20
        2       It Rains Tonight                                12:16
        3       The Lighthouse                                  5:56
        4       Doors Leading Where                             4:18
        5       Night Dance                                     10:13

CD on Sound In Silence. Edition of 200 handmade and hand-numbered copies. Packaged
in a dusty grey cardboard envelope with the front cover image printed on a polaroid
style photo paper.
SIS     078     HOTEL NEON              MOMENTS                         CD+DLc    .2021

        1       nov 2                                           3:42
        2       oct 11                                          6:32
        3       nov 3                                           3:37
        4       oct 12                                          5:22
        5       oct 13                                          6:58
        6       oct 12 no 2                                     3:33
        7       sep 14                                          6:49
        8       nov 4                                           11:56

CD      Edition of 200 handmade and hand-numbered copies. Packaged in a hand-stamped
        smoky grey recycled cardboard envelope with the front cover image printed on
        a polaroid style photo paper.

‘Moments’ is the sixth LP by US ambient trio Hotel Neon. They have previously released
music via labels including Home Normal, Fluid Audio and Archives. ‘Moments’ sees the
trio at their most minimal yet also using more orchestral instrumentation than on
previous albums. Strings and piano add further texture to their blend of misty guitars,
drone sounds and field recordings.
SIS     079     JULIAN ROSS             FADEAWAY                        CD+DLc    .2021

        1       Till                                            4:59
        2       Death                                           6:43
        3       Do                                              8:32
        4       Us                                              5:24
        5       Part                                            9:24

CD      Edition of 200 handmade and hand-numbered copies. Packaged in a hand-stamped
        cream recycled cardboard envelope with the front cover image printed on
        a polaroid style photo paper.

‘Fadeaway’ is the second studio album from Julian Ross, an Italian duo consisting
of Port-Royal member Ettore Di Roberto and Genoa-based musician Andrea Comotto.
SIS     080     THE GREEN KINGDOM       SOLARIA                         CDR       .2021

        1       Atmosphere 1                                    5:22
        2       Arc                                             8:06
        3       Geodesic                                        2:16
        4       Sol 1                                           4:04
        5       Dome                                            2:12
        6       Landform                                        3:47
        7       Distance                                        6:42
        8       Atmosphere 2                                    7:00

SIS     081     SWEENEY                 MISERY PEAKS                    CDR       .2021

        1       To The Lake                                     7:10
        2       Kid                                             3:45
        3       Please Accept My Love                           2:11
        4       Stolen Bones                                    5:45
        5       Sun                                             6:11
        6       Skin                                            4:31
        7       Solitear                                        5:44
        8       Sometimes The Rain                              3:12
SIS     082     YELLOW6                 THE CLOUD FACTORY               CDR       .2021
SIS     082     YELLOW6                 THE CLOUD FACTORY               2CDR      .2021

CD      1       Downhill Fast                                   6:11
        2       Lake Surfer                                     8:02
        3       Mayday                                          6:44
        4       Riverside                                       6:44
        5       Twenty Four                                     6:41
        6       Tides                                           7:35
        7       Seven Five                                      7:03
        8       Rain Twins                                      6:25
        9       Lemon                                           5:10
        10      Quarter To Half                                 6:15

CD 2    2-1     July Fourth                                     10:42
        2-2     Feller                                          13:52
        2-3     The Return                                      11:48
        2-4     Check:Ditto                                     11:49
        2-5     Six One Twenty One                              11:21
        2-6     Long Shadows                                    7:14
SIS     083     WESTERN EDGES           DEPENDENCY                      CDR     07.2021

        1       Page Reveals                                    3:39
        2       Glass Dawn                                      4:35
        3       Winter Hill                                     6:04
        4       The Wall You First Kissed Her Against           3:31
        5       Lucy Hall Drive                                 3:06
        6       Love Is Contagious                              2:33
        7       So Cold Now                                     2:02
        8       Temperance                                      14:37
        9       Still Think About It Now And Then               4:30
        10      Of Old Cares                                    4:49
        11      Wavelengths                                     4:36
        12      Scaldings                                       6:08
                Note : CDR , 100 copies)
SIS     084     SineRider               A FAMILIAR LIGHT                CDR     08.2021

        1       Ribbons                                         3:43
        2       Emblem                                          2:56
        3       Ashore                                          3:21
        4       Hadean                                          5:24
        5       Emanant                                         4:32
        6       Loran                                           3:04
        7       Aura Projection                                 4:32
        8       Mishima                                         4:23
        9       A Familiar Light                                4:04
        10      Gigi                                            1:48
        11      Timelapse                                       3:57
        12      Palisade                                        5:12
        13      Ambered                                         4:48
                Note : CDR , 500 copies)

SIS     086     ojeRum                  STOVFALD                        CDR     01.2022

CD-R on Sound In Silence. Edition of 200 handmade and hand-numbered copies.
Packaged in a hand-stamped olive yellow recycled cardboard envelope with the
front cover image printed on a polaroid style photo paper.
SIS     087     Julien Demoulin : Everything Forgotten, Everything      CD      12.2021

        1       A Kingdom                                       3:39
        2       A Loss For Words                                4:44
        3       All Around                                      4:51
        4       Chinese Handcuffs                               4:21
        5       Moon Still                                      7:16
        6       Everything Forgotten, Everything Remembered     12:31
        7       Dissolving In Silence                           5:28

CD-R on Sound In Silence. Edition of 200 handmade and hand-numbered copies.
Packaged in a hand-stamped greyish blue recycled cardboard envelope with the
front cover image printed on a polaroid style photo paper.
SIS     088     SWEENEY                 STAY FOR THE SORROW             CD+DLc  04.2022

CD-R on Sound In Silence. Edition of 200 copies handmade, hand-numbered copies
packaged in a hand-stamped burgundy cardboard envelope with the front cover image
printed on a polaroid style photo paper.
Jason Sweeney is a composer based on Kaurna Country in South Australia, already
well known under the moniker of Panoptique Electrical. Stay For The Sorrow, his
fourth album under his real name, perfectly blends melancholic songwriting,
electronic textures and ambient soundscapes, and is recommended for devotees of
Scott Walker, David Sylvian, Anohni and the quieter moments of Depeche Mode.

CD-R on Sound In Silence. Edition of 200 copies handmade, hand-numbered copies 
ackaged in a hand-stamped cream cardboard envelope with the front cover image printed
on a polaroid style photo paper.
The Kids And The Cosmos is the alias of British producer/composer Justin Lee
Radford, already known as one half of the ambient/electronic duo HIN, along with 
erome Alexander (Message To Bears). Ambient Mixtape Vol.1 is his wonderful debut
release of warm ambient and dreamy electronica, featuring Message To Bears.
SISCD   090     TEST CARD               PATTERNS                        CD+DLc  04.2022
                (Note : CD , Edition of 200 handmade and hand-numbered
                copies. Packaged in a hand-stamped off-grey cardboard
                envelope with the front cover image printed on a polaroid
                style photo paper)

LP      Home Service    HSRLP 001       2022        ??
SIS     091     JARR                    TALKING ABOUT X                 CDR     04.2022

(Note : CDR on Sound In Silence. Edition of 200 handmade and hand-numbered copies.
        Packaged in a hand-stamped light green cardboard envelope with the front
        cover image printed on a polaroid style photo paper)

JARR is a collaborative ambient/post-rock project between British ambient guitarists
Yellow6 and Wodwo.












CB      1       ABSENT WITHOUT LEAVE    RESOUND EP                      DL      11.2010